We’re absolutely delighted to be celebrating 40 years of SOCODEVI—and to do so in 2025, which the UN has declared the International Year of Cooperatives! All eyes are sure to be turned to our cooperative and mutual network, here and around the world.
Here at SOCODEVI, we see the coming year as an opportunity to spread the word about what we and our projects do and to stake out our place in the international cooperative sphere. In addition to our projects in new countries, our network of members is growing both within Quebec and beyond. We’ve been seeing a real groundswell of enthusiasm and, above all, solidarity for our mission. That mission is more important than ever right now, at a time when sociopolitical conflicts are ramping up and more and more communities are facing economic precarity.
How can we achieve our objectives? By standing tall in who we really are. This means updating our brand image and turning it into a tool we can use to connect and make an impact so as to strengthen the ties between SOCODEVI, its members, its partners and the wider public.
This year will bring plenty of changes and will be the perfect time for us to reaffirm the importance of our roots and our history! We’ve put together a schedule of events to bring together our cooperative and mutual network and public all throughout the year.
We’ll kick off our 40th anniversary with our fully revamped annual awareness tour, offering privileged access to our projects in Bolivia, Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal and Guatemala. From March 10 to May 11, we’re fortunate enough to be put on a photo exhibition at Quebec City’s Musée de la civilisation to introduce SOCODEVI to more members of the public and to spotlight the inspiring individuals behind our projects. Beneva is teed up to preside over an extra festive edition of our annual golf tournament on September 15 at the Club de golf Royal Québec. And we’ll close out the year’s celebrations in November, with a truly special evening to toast our 40 years with our entire network and partners. We can’t wait to tell you more!
Together, let’s show off all the incredible wealth of the cooperative and mutual model in 2025!
Wishing all of you a wonderful 2025! We hope we’ll get to celebrate it with you.