
SOCODEVI takes part in World Cleanup Day for the first time
17 October 2024
For the 5th edition of World Cleanup Day and its first year as an International Day on the United Nations Calendar, SOCODEVI asked its teams to roll up their sleeves and get cleaning! The aim of this global initiative is to bring people together to clean up the waste polluting our environment.

Natur’ELLES project launched in Senegal
26 June 2024
SOCODEVI launched the Natur’ELLES project on May 2, in Toubacouda, at a ceremony attended by authorities from the Fatick region, the Department of Marine Protected Areas, the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development, other partners and the Canadian ambassador to Senegal.

The PROCED journey comes to a celebratory end
22 February 2024
In December 2023, after five years in operation, the Development Program for Inclusive and Sustainable Model Cooperatives (PROCED) took its final bow, with closing ceremonies held in all three of the host countries for the program: Senegal, Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire.

Spotlight on SOCODEVI’s activities in Senegal
9 January 2023
The teams in Senegal were very busy this past November, with three field visits from Global Affairs Canada, parliamentarians and the Canadian ambassador to Senegal!

Environment: our star teams!
2 June 2022
To reduce our environmental footprint, our teams work together and commit to improving their practices year after year. That's why, to celebrate World Environment Day, we want to highlight our champion teams. Discover our five country offices that stood out for their environmental management in 2021-2022.

17 March 2022
“SOCODEVI is proud to renew its carbon neutral certification for a second consecutive year. We continue to set ourselves apart and conduct our operations in alignment with our principles and values.” – JEAN-PHILIPPE MARCOUX, SOCODEVI CEO

Active co-ops, more resilient members
14 October 2021
La présence de coopératives actives au sein des communautés est une alliée de qualité pour leur permettre de traverser cette crise, mais aussi pour bâtir une économie solidaire, pérenne et inclusive. Une étude menée par SOCODEVI au Ghana, au Sénégal, au Mali et en Côte d'Ivoire le prouve!

Aiding small-scale farmers builds climate resilience
3 December 2020
The Sahel, a semi-arid swath that spans the continent of Africa, is a climate change hotspot. This region is already experiencing increasingly irregular rainfall, droughts and crop failure. In coming decades, temperatures in Africa are predicted to rise faster than the global average, causing droughts,

SOCODEVI and the CQCH return to Senegal to improve access to housing
30 April 2019
Starting in 2019, SOCODEVI and the Confédération québécoise des coopératives d’habitation (CQCH) will work together in Senegal to help improve access to decent cooperative housing for families.

PROCED : Development Program for Inclusive and Sustainable Model Cooperatives
5 February 2019
SOCODEVI increases its presence in Africa with the launch of the Development Program for Inclusive and Sustainable Model Cooperatives (PROCED). To be deployed in Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana and Senegal, the initiative will enable SOCODEVI to improve the living conditions of 8,000 families.