Our network

A look back at our 39th Annual Conference

A look back at our 39th Annual Conference

26 June 2024

United for intercooperation. These words were central to SOCODEVI’s 39th Annual Assembly, held on June 13 at Quebec City Cruise Terminal.

Natur’ELLES project launched in Senegal

Natur’ELLES project launched in Senegal

SOCODEVI launched the Natur’ELLES project on May 2, in Toubacouda, at a ceremony attended by authorities from the Fatick region, the Department of Marine Protected Areas, the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development, other partners and the Canadian ambassador to Senegal.

Annual Assembly 2020: an unprecedented gathering!

Annual Assembly 2020: an unprecedented gathering!

27 November 2020

On November 10, close to 350 people attended SOCODEVI’s 35thAnnual Assembly, where many proud moments were celebrated. Organizers hosted the major annual event in a virtual meeting space, thus extending its reach and creating the opportunity to welcome representatives of financial and other partners, members

Trees to fight poverty and climate change!

Trees to fight poverty and climate change!

5 June 2020

As part of World Environment Day, SOCODEVI is proud to announce that nearly 20,000 trees will be planted in the coming months thanks to the participation of the Quebec Funeral Cooperatives Federation (FCFQ) in the Tree of Intercooperation program. These trees will compensate for the

UV Mutuelle gives $60,000 to the SOCODEVI Foundation

UV Mutuelle gives $60,000 to the SOCODEVI Foundation

17 December 2019

The Co-op Week was recognized by UV Mutuelle, an institutional member of the SOCODEVI network, with a contribution of $60,000 to the SOCODEVI Foundation. This donation will allow for the implementation of a natural juice manufacturing plant to profit members of the agricultural cooperatives we

Awareness Mission in Honduras: an unforgettable experience for two Agropur members

Awareness Mission in Honduras: an unforgettable experience for two Agropur members

Through our annual awareness mission, Amélie Brien and Bruno Laflamme, two dairy producers and members of the Agropur cooperative, had the opportunity to experience a remarkable stay in Honduras. Both were winners of the SOCODEVI drawing to select participants. They visited all the regions where

Golf, cooperation and solidarity profiting the SOCODEVI Foundation

Golf, cooperation and solidarity profiting the SOCODEVI Foundation

It’s the thousands of families supported by SOCODEVI around the world that were the big winners of the 13th annual golf tournament held for the benefit of the SOCODEVI foundation. More than $55,000 was raised thanks to the generosity of participants and the contribution of SSQ

Commitment from our cooperative and mutual network: great achievements, tangible results

Commitment from our cooperative and mutual network: great achievements, tangible results

30 January 2019

Several technical and organizational support missions were carried out by SOCODEVI member institutions during 2018.