Generating resilience through collective actions!
6 June 2023
The resilience generated by collective actions and the cooperative model was at the heart of discussions at the event "Solidarity-based actions for the resilience of agri-food systems and smallholder farmers", held on May 31 at McGill University in the presence of the President of the United Nations' International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Alvaro Lario.

Solidarity with the Ukrainian people
30 March 2022
SOCODEVI's team in Canada makes daily efforts to maintain contact with its partners and assist with humanitarian initiatives.

17 March 2022
“SOCODEVI is proud to renew its carbon neutral certification for a second consecutive year. We continue to set ourselves apart and conduct our operations in alignment with our principles and values.” – JEAN-PHILIPPE MARCOUX, SOCODEVI CEO

Ukraine : Favorit farm sucess
14 October 2021
Milk-producing families and dairy cooperatives supported by SOCODEVI, with the assistance of Sollio Groupe cooperative and Agropur, are growing fast. Favorit Farm, a medium-sized family farm in the town of Striy in the Lviv Oblast, is no exception! In recent years, its herd has grown from 85 to 229 animals, with an additional 150 young heifers being raised this year.

A new mandate for SOCODEVI in Ukraine!
19 January 2021
SOCODEVI and our local partner Dnipropetrovsk Agricultural Advisory Service are looking at a new project, a new region, and a new context in Ukraine. The Entrepreneurship Development for the Conflict-Affected Rural Population in Eastern Ukraine (WeProsper) project will support women and the most vulnerable and