Since 1985, we have been building a better world by using cooperatives and mutuals as tools and effective levers for inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development.
Côte d'Ivoire
Access to credit for Ivorian merchants
MUCREFAB: A continuing success story since 1994
Trouble accessing financing in the countries where SOCODEVI operates is a major issue, especially for small business initiatives led by individuals. The barriers are even greater for women-owned businesses.
En route to a better future with tara
Development of a new sector
With the PROMAVI project, SOCODEVI has done something incredible, developing a new agricultural sector in Bolivia for tara. The tara plant has a number of applications: the pods are used for tanning premium leather and the seeds can be used in the cosmetics and food industries.

Successful Agroforestry Cooperatives
CAHOVA, a turbocharged project
SOCODEVI has tangibly and sustainably improved the living conditions of more than 25,000 people in rural areas by diversifying and increasing production in 12 agroforestry sectors such as coffee, pine resin, and lychee.

Good deals for women
The marketing of grain and vegetable products was good!
The “Feere Diyara project has helped reduce the poverty rate amongst vegetable and grain farmers in the Malian regions of Koulikoro, Mopti, Segou and Sikasso.

New Model Cooperatives
The VCED... or when Vietnam falls in love with cooperation!
In Vietnam, SOCODEVI has improved the living conditions of thousands of producer families by supporting the creation and consolidation of five model cooperatives that are inclusive, sustainable, autonomous and profitable, and oriented toward market needs.

A spicy hit!
Development of an Agro-industrial Spice and Herb Value Chain
Chuquisaca is one of the poorest regions of Bolivia. In order to improve the living conditions of the population, SOCODEVI supported the diversification of economic and production activities amongst farm families, favouring an increase in their incomes.

Agroforestry to diversify incomes
A Story of Cooperative Strengthening
FEDECOVERA, a federation of cooperatives, sought to diversify its activities. SOCODEVI, with the support of Quebec forestry cooperatives, supported the creation and development of the forestry and cardamom industries through the PRODEF project.

Join forces to compete better
In order to improve the social and economic conditions of 15,000 rural Colombian people, SOCODEVI worked to consolidate the competitiveness of their agricultural, forestry and pastoral (agroforestry & pastoral) activities. Discover more!

Competitive and Diversified Associative Enterprises
The PRODIVCOM project has improved the living conditions of 24,000 people
Carried out by SOCODEVI, this project was able to contribute to the improvement of business and governance practices in the supported organizations.

Decent and Sustainable Cooperative Housing
The impact of our actions since 2009
In Senegal, SOCODEVI is strengthening the capacities of the housing cooperative movement in order to build housing for member families and provide the population with a decent and sustainable living environment.
Agricultural intensification in the Artibonite Valley
Increasing rice and vegetable production to ensure a better income for families
We have also contributed to tangible improvements in water use for irrigation by supporting the organization of water users in the region.

Sustainable and Profitable Forestry Cooperatives
For a participatory and sustainable management of forests to preserve biodiversity and create jobs
Backed by the expertise of Quebec forestry cooperatives, SOCODEVI has contributed to the strengthening of agroforestry cooperatives in Honduras to improve the living conditions of families through the rational and sustainable use of forestry resources.
The PCDA, a structuring project!
On the menu: agricultural competitiveness and diversification
SOCODEVI has worked with farmers for a better mastery of and access to irrigation techniques, intensification and added value, and the creation of interprofessional structures for dairy, onion, shallot, fish and livestock sectors.

Modern agricultural cooperatives
Women at the heart of a great success
With our local partners, the agricultural extension services in both target regions, we concentrated on improving the efficiency of dairy production at the farm level, developing individual and associative entrepreneurship and commercial optimization for products.

Support for cooperatives in the cocoa sector
A proven expertise since 1987
SOCODEVI strengthens the capacities of farmers' organizations and cooperatives for a better grouping of cocoa and coffee supply as well as the improvement and diversification of the income of producing families.