The sweet cocoa flavour of hope

The sweet cocoa flavour of hope

27 May 2020

In the midst of a pandemic, selling products at a fair price is a considerable challenge for farming families, for whom a sudden drop in income can quickly put their food security at risk. Fortunately, with the support of SOCODEVI, in Colombia, the outlook is

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COVID-19 : Swiftly adapting our activities

COVID-19 : Swiftly adapting our activities

27 May 2020

UKRAINE: The co-op advantage In Ukraine, even if the demand for milk has dropped as a result of economic uncertainty, cows have not stopped producing milk! To adapt, milk processing plants have cut down on their purchases, delayed payment to dairy producers, and set aside

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It’s a deal for the dragon fruit!

It’s a deal for the dragon fruit!

27 May 2020

The dragon fruits from Vietnam’s Thanh Binh cooperative are now in Canada! In spite of the pandemic and the resulting slowdown in global economic activity, a long-term supply contract has been signed between the cooperative and a Canadian buyer. The agreement was entered into following

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PROMAVI : Proactive partnerships

PROMAVI : Proactive partnerships

27 May 2020

Things are moving and shaking in Bolivia! The PROMAVI team wasted no time rallying the authorities in the Chuquisaca region to counter the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic. A municipal contingency plan was swiftly put in place in collaboration with municipalities and their emergency committees.

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Let’s act now, for the future!

Let’s act now, for the future!

26 May 2020

A letter from Jim Cornelius, executive director of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, and Jean-Philippe Marcoux, CEO of SOCODEVI. The COVID-19 pandemic has spread to every corner of the globe—resulting in lost lives and livelihoods. We have all felt its impact. We have all felt its

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COVID-19: Special mesures within SOCODEVI

COVID-19: Special mesures within SOCODEVI

16 March 2020

As an international organization, we are announcing the deployment of exceptional measures to protect the health of our employees, our partners, our project participants and the community. A contingency plan has been put in place and specific measures are being implemented in the different countries

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MOROCCO : Focus on Women’s leadership

MOROCCO : Focus on Women’s leadership

12 February 2020

SOCODEVI is returning to Morocco with a new five-year project that aims to improve the living conditions of at least 10,000 people in Berber communities. These populations, isolated between mountainous cedar forests and immense natural rosemary steppes, earn a living by exploiting agroforestry resources.

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New mandate in Mozambique

New mandate in Mozambique

11 February 2020

SOCODEVI is widening its influence by launching a new five-year project to improve the living conditions of more than 15,000 people in Mozambique: women and their family members! The Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment Support Project (PAEF), funded entirely by Global Affairs Canada ($18 million CAD),

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UV Mutuelle gives $60,000 to the SOCODEVI Foundation

UV Mutuelle gives $60,000 to the SOCODEVI Foundation

17 December 2019

The Co-op Week was recognized by UV Mutuelle, an institutional member of the SOCODEVI network, with a contribution of $60,000 to the SOCODEVI Foundation. This donation will allow for the implementation of a natural juice manufacturing plant to profit members of the agricultural cooperatives we

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Awareness Mission in Honduras: an unforgettable experience for two Agropur members

Awareness Mission in Honduras: an unforgettable experience for two Agropur members

17 December 2019

Through our annual awareness mission, Amélie Brien and Bruno Laflamme, two dairy producers and members of the Agropur cooperative, had the opportunity to experience a remarkable stay in Honduras. Both were winners of the SOCODEVI drawing to select participants. They visited all the regions where

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